Social media inline icons with nice hover effect (vertical slide with color change).
49 icons included (aim, apple, behnace, blogger, cargo, delicious, deviantart, digg, dopple, dribbble, ember, evernote, facebook, flickr, forrst, github, google, googleplus, gowalla, grooveshark, html5, icloud, lastfm, linkedin, metacafe, mixx, myspace, netvibes, newsvine, orkut, paypal, picasa, pinterest, plurk, posterous, reddit, rss, skype, stumbleupon, techorati, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, wordpress, yahoo, yelp, youtube, zerply, zootool) 《安裝方法》
請上傳檔案至./wp-content/plugins 資料夾中 , 至後台啟用插件
設定您的Widget (分別設定社群相關按鈕連結即可)

(96.65 KB, 下載次數: 1)